Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Party Unity My Ass. There is a contingent out there that thinks the primaries were skewed, rigged, even manipulated to favor Obama. That Florida and Michigan were the wild cards in the back pockets of the Obamaites and that the Democratic Party elite were hanging on to those cards until they needed them. Florida and Michigan broke the rules. They got punished. 

I wish people would indeed unite behind Obama and not elect another Bushish, I-like-this-guy-and-want-to-have-a-beer-with-him sort. There is rumor of a coup at the convention. A floor fight is never beneficial. And if the Clinton camp would "win at any cost" regardless of the party but solely concentrating on their candidate, we all lose.

I actually got asked last night at a Democratic Party meeting..."So what if YOUR guy does..." My guy? He's our guy. I can't wait to hear Clinton speak at the convention. I hope she quashes this nonsense about PUMA. I hope. Maybe the convention will be her chance to shine and show the country and the world that we can do better than McCain.

Hope is an Obama buzzword. Let's make it a Democratic buzzword. 

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