Thursday, August 28, 2008

WOW part three

Texas got up front seating and my best guesses are it's because of Leticia Van de Putte from San Antonio was a co-chair of the convention OR they were trying to get the larger delegations up front for media. Either way it was primo.

We could see all of the speakers w/o any trouble. Lots of celebrities walking up and down our aisle too. Patti and I both got our picture taken with Jorja Fox (Sarah from CSI) and lots of politicos.

And what speeches they were. Even the "no-name" speakers that the networks probably talked over were funny and engaging. Then we got to the heart of the matter, the business of electing a president. First Bill Richardson fired everyone up, then Al Gore spoke to environmental issues (surprise) and finally THE speech of the convention. I hope everyone watched. It was targeted, moving, inspiring and should quell any doubt this man can lead a nation.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I run a Jorja Fox fansite and I ran into your post. With your permission, can I reproduce this on JFO for posterity?

I have a page on the site about the DNC and I'm hoping to build it out.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to say, you can email me at webmaster @