Friday, August 29, 2008

Well innit that special

Still recovering from the festivities of last night and the post-convention find-a-bus game when I get an early text message this morning. Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) has been tapped for McCain's VP running mate. Hmmm. Who? Wait. Did you say Quayle? She's an unknown Governor and she sounds like the church lady. Just sayin'. She's only been in office for two years, which takes the "inexperience" meme off the table. AND she is under investigation in her own state. Greaaat. I think McCain is trying to appeal to the disgruntled Hillary supporters but I give those supporters credit for supporting Hillary, not some no-name Republican just because she is a female. The folks that were Hillary or no one were either not going to vote, or vote for McCain anyway. 

This is a huge gamble for him. Hail Mary. Possible short-term gain for really questionable long-term loss. Didn't he play football? It's about the final score, not the down. Oh well. I think we can start questioning his judgment now. This is the first test of a presidential nominee. It's a bellwether as to how he makes big, tough, important decisions. So far? Meh.

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